July 15, 2009


I think she might be tougher then I am.

So I haven't Posted in a while, but that doesn't mean that I'm not doing the WOD's. Here's how it all went.

MONDAY: Thrusters/Tabata
Warm up
Work set

My Girlfriend wanted to try out a WOD so I decided that Tabata's would be the easiest to show her since we were limited on equipment. I did this Wod first and then she went. All I can say is that she never even came close to wanting to quit and pushed it super hard. Her numbers were pretty solid and she was super sore the next day. I know what your thinking and yes. She is awesome. I think we have another CrossFitter.
My Tabata score
Air squats:16
Push ups: 10 (weak)
20kg KB Swings: 11
I hate Tabata's but I love how they tear me up.
I'd post hers but I can't remember her score off the top of my head. I know it was good though.

TUESDAY: Rest day
I ordered The Primal Blue Print by Mark Sisson so expect to here a review on it soon. His site is awesome so I can't wait to see how his book is. I'm down to 215 from 225 and i think that is my best operating weight. It helps when your girlfriend eats healthy too.

5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95lbs Overhead squat, 15 reps
I never dropped the weight or broke up the squats so that was good. I like that WOD. I just need a better time now.