October 21, 2009

Punishing myself for missing so much.

WEDNESDAY: Four rounds for time of
25 box jumps (24")
50sit ups

TUESDAY: Tabata something else
Don't remember what my score was but I do remember my Glutes killing me during the squats.

MONDAY: Weighted pull ups

Afternoon, for time
30 KB swings with a 1.5 pood KB
30 feet walking lunge
30 push ups
30 feet walking lunge

20 KB swings with a 1.5 pood KB
30 feet walking lunge
20 push ups
30 feet walking lunge

10 KB swings with a 1.5 pood KB
30 feet walking lunge
10 push ups
30 feet walking lunge

Time: 4:38 and this one killed me

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